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DiscDice was born out of necessity. After nearly a hundred rounds at my local course, using the same discs for the same shots, striving for my personal best became tedious and seldom satisfying. I tried challenging myself to a "one disc only" round and still managed to tie my personal record without even really trying. Sometimes, my friends and I would even take turns choosing which disc the group had to throw, but inevitably someone would struggle to muster up the creativity for an exciting shot. I began brainstorming different ways that disc golfers could challenge themselves in a fun, constantly evolving way without being too gimmicky. Then it hit me "Dice might be the answer I'm looking for."

I made my way to r/discgolf on to engage my fellow plastic-slingers. Several users quickly jumped in saying they would throw money at me if DiscDice became a reality. Within the next 3 hours, a kickstarter campaign had been launched and within 12 hours, DiscDice was 100% funded. As the campaign came to a close 2 weeks later, I was blown away to find that nearly 500 people made DiscDice possible by bringing in 1,400% of the funding I had originally set out to raise. DiscDice was becoming a reality! To each of my backers, thank you for believing in this idea. I am grateful for your support and am overwhelmed by the response from the online disc golf community.

DiscDice is here. Put a spin on disc golf.

Clay Burnett
Founder of DiscDice

Patent No. US11420103


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